My Story

Growing up in a small town in western Pennsylvania, the only future I envisioned was in my own backyard. If someone had told me that at 20 I would be milking cows and tapping trees to make maple syrup in Vermont or backpacking through Central America, I would have thought they were crazy.

“You were once wild here. Don’t let them tame you.”

– Isadora Duncan

I assumed I would be a teacher or social worker. On a cross-country road trip, an impromptu descent into the Grand Canyon changed my limited perspective completely. Each step brought unimagined mysteries, adventures, and horizons. By the time I reached the bottom, my world had exploded into a thousand possibilities. The call of nature and excitement of the unknown captured my soul. By 23, I was leading 42-day wilderness programs for youth offenders, sheltering under tarps amid snow and lightning storms, paddling through icy waters, and ultimately teaching my charges to successfully navigate their challenging life circumstances. My family worried for my safety and sanity. It’s impossible to explain your choices to others when you can’t articulate them. It takes courage to trust yourself when no one else does.

Following many more life adventures and misadventures, I found myself at age 36 at a banquet table with a Fortune 500 president, who announced to his team, “This is Jamie. We found her in the woods of New Hampshire and brought her home.” I went on to become a key architect of one of his company’s most successful culture changes. If you stay open and responsive, life presents opportunities you could never imagine.

Fast forward to 50. I traveled to a desolate reservation to visit a traditional Arapahoe medicine man and spent two weeks camped outside his home. As I sat in his sweat lodge, I remember thinking, “No one here knows me and town is 20 miles away. If I die from heatstroke, they won’t know where to send my body!”  Many times I questioned the wisdom of the inner calling that drew me there, but I know that if I hadn’t gone, I would still be regretting it. The profound mystical shifts I experienced in my understanding of earth- based wisdom are forever etched in my soul.

There have been numerous transforming experiences along my way. Life hasn’t always been easy, but I never chose easy. I’ve had countless dark nights of the soul, confusion and fear about personal decisions, painful and scary physical setbacks, disappointments, losses, and foreseen obstacles. But I’ve always held on to three core principles: Follow the Energy and It Will Guide You, Without Risk There Is No Adventure, Speak to the Earth, and She Will Teach You.

When you put your soul‘s calling above your fear, you can create an incredible life. Doing so has transformed me into a seasoned expert who thrives on guiding others through their own challenges and transformations. I love working with seekers and explorers wanting extraordinary, soul-driven lives. Finding each other is like searching for a needle in a haystack. But luck is with us. Your first step has led you here.