Tuesday, May 31th - 11:00 am

Thriving Through Chaos

Using key excerpts and lessons from Undomesticated by Nature, this program explores the deeper purposes of change in our lives and how we can use our ” wild nature”, as both teacher and healer. We discuss the keys to nurturing both resilience and inspiration in times of challenge. Simple yet powerful earth-based practices introduced during this program give you the tools to anchor yourself and navigate successfully through the chaotic cycles of life.

Meet Your Host

Jamie Conglose


A master transformational change consultant, Jamie has used nature-based wisdom and eco-psychology methods successfully with both corporate and personal clients for over 40 years. Her book, Undomesticated by Nature: A Field Guide to Going Inward, Out On the Land is due out later this year. She is a member of the Wilderness Guides Council, a global network of guides whose passion is offering contemporary earth and wilderness-based rites of passage and transition to people, community, and culture.

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